What Comes In Must Also Come Out
When working on your linking strategies, you must make sure that you have a two way street going. In order words you need to have links going out as well as links coming in.
Develop An OUTgoing Link Program. Links go both ways, in and out. But why would you want to link out of your site? For a couple of main reason. It's a nice break when you are tired of writing great keyword intense web pages or articles. Seriously though, linkage counts both ways with the engines, Incoming and Outgoing. If your outgoing links go to an income-generating source for you, even better! This way you are not only gaining popularity but also monetizing and it also means that you have really done your homework. Also, links OUT count with the human editors of directories and your visitors, too. If directory editors see you provide bona fide links to other quality sites, your site is more credible, a more valuable resource for their directory. Remember people always want to know what's in it for them so if you can help them by having you link there; you have a good chance of being added/accepted by them.
As for visitors well they appreciate being presented with quality, credible links to related material that further enhances their surfing experience or better yet lead them to a solution to their problem that they went on the net to find.
On the other hand, nothing is more damaging to you, your credibility and your ability
to build your business than linking to an inferior Web site. By providing a link, you are
in essence placing your seal of approval on the linked Web site. Should that site be of?
low quality, visitors will question your judgment. So while you can't always control
who links to your Web site, you must choose your out-pointing links wisely.
So don't make all Outgoing links purely monetary links. You only need a few to
establish that good credibility.
Here's one good strategy. for outgoing links:
Create a links page that sends links out to terrific, non-competing, high-traffic Web sites. Link out to...
1) theme-specific sections of the major directories
2) theme-specific minor directories
3) theme-related, non-competing sites
Note: You can use Alexa to help you find out the popularity of the sites you are considering.
4) links to your other domains, any that covers related topics.
Both linking in and OUT counts with the Search Engines. And, to strengthen the
impact of those links on your ranking results, include your Specific Keywords both in
the links out, and in the links that come into you. Whenever I start a new website, I have the luxury of linking to many of my other sites and I'm usually listed on Google with 48 hours. Keep working and soon you will be there too.
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