Make Money Online By Creating An Easy To Sell Website
An emerging internet marketing trend is creating websites that can be developed to create income and then sold. In the current market, websites and blogs can be sold for ten times monthly earnings. A site that is managed by a third party can often be sold for a lot more, since the new owner doesn't have to create content or do marketing tasks.
Creating a site that can be sold requires making wise decisions that maximize its ultimate value. There are a few key areas that can add to or take away from the resale value of a site. The first and perhaps most important, influencing aspect of the value of a site is its domain name. A domain name that can be branded is essential if you want to get the maximum price for your site.
You should never use a personal name in the domain name if you want to sell your site. I also wouldn't recommend using dashes. This is debatable, and actually is heavily debated between webmasters. I wouldn't recommend it because some people won't want to buy it, and that will lower its value. I would also try to limit the amount of words that are in the name. A domain with five words will be harder for a person to remember than a domain that has one, two, or three words.
The next thing you want to keep in mind is how your site is branded. If you want to sell your site someday, you should stay away from using your personal name in the branding of the site. If your readers read your site to learn from you, they will react negatively when the ownership changes. A simply trick you can use here is to use a pseudonym or nickname while writing for your site. The new owner can take over the nickname and the readers won't know the difference.
There are also a few key rankings that you can improve to make your site considerably more valuable. Improving a site's Google Pagerank is a key factor that makes a site more valuable. To improve the Google Pagerank of a site you will need to increase its inbound links. Google uses the number of links pointing to a site to give it a rating between one and ten.
Additionally, improving the Alexa ranking of a site can help it to be more valuable, because it is a significant sign of where the site's traffic is. There is really only one way to increase the Alexa ranking of a site. You will have to increase traffic to get a better ranking with Alexa.
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