Article Writing Mistakes Newbies Make That You Must Avoid
The article writing is a useful online marketing technique these days. Many article writers use their articles to promote their websites and generate traffic. However, writing effective articles that can generate higher traffic can be a huge challenge for the newbie writers. But after knowing some basics about the article writing and avoiding certain mistakes that are commonly made by the article writers, being a writer would not seem to be a tough job after all. The newbies will need to express their view in a manner that would attract their readers and create interest in them. Once the readers are interested after reading the article they might visit the website through the resource box available at the end of the article.
The most common mistake that article writers make while writing their articles is that many article writers do not concentrate on having well structured articles. In order to convey your point of view clearly and ensure that your point has been understood, you will need to have a well structured article. The structure of an article will play a very important role in conveying your message accurately. It will also help the readers in clearly understanding your points and building their interest in your article. A well structured article would normally have an introduction, a body and the conclusion as its basic elements. In the introduction section, you should write a brief about your topic and what you are going to discuss in your article. In the body of your article, you can give a detailed description about your topic and tell your readers as to what your article is all about. You can also give any of the points that you want to convey. In the conclusion, you will need to give a brief about what you have written in the article or any of the catchy points that you think will leave an impression on the readers’ minds.
The language used in your articles should also be flawless as it will give an impression about your abilities as a writer. You will need to have an excellent proficiency in the language that you using in the article. You should take great care with the spellings and the grammar as it will provide hints to the reader about your language abilities. Also, if your article is full of spelling mistakes or has a bad grammar use, then your reader will get bored while making a sense out of your article and the reader might just close your article or move to some other article.
Apart from the abovementioned mistakes, many writers also make mistakes in the structure of the resource box. These mistakes would cost even more than the mistakes made in the body of the articles, as the resource box plays an important role in guiding the readers to visit your website and hence increasing traffic on your website. So you should also take care in providing accurate links in the resource box and using the keywords not only in the article body but also in the resource box. These guidelines would help the newbie writers to begin their writing career effectively and prove their abilities and enhance their skills of writing.
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