6 Things To Consider Before You Buy A Text Link
Text link advertising has helped many websites get traffic including from search engines. It can have some pitfalls though if you do it wrong.
Here are 6 things to think about before you buy a text link ad.
1. A text link ad is a keyword phrase hyperlinked back to another page. For example if your website is about music downloads you could buy a text link ad for that phrase.
2. Look at how your ad will be displayed. Your ad can be good for traffic as well. Try and get on a page or website that gets a lot of traffic. This will give you a chance to get a few visitors clicking on your ad as well.
3. When you buy an ad look to buy one on a web page that is a PR3 or higher. This is Googles' ranking system for the worth of a page and it helps improve your own page rank when you are on a page that has good page rank. How much you pay will be determined by the page rank of the page your text link is on, but a PR5 will cost more than a PR3. You could pay anywhere from $50 to $150 a month for a quality link.
4. Another thing is to link to pages other than your home page. This is known as deep linking and it is important not only for how your site is viewed by the search engines but also for the traffic it can bring you. People will search for multiple versions of a keyword and you want to come up on as many searches as possible.
5. One text link will never hurt you with a search engine if it is on one page. If the ad you buy and it ends up on hundreds of pages for the same keyword you should make sure you are getting linked back to your website for other keywords as well of it could appear you are spamming the search engines for your one primary phrase.
6. Buy text link advertising for the long haul and it can really give you some good traffic and search engine rankings. Buy it for one month to get spidered as soon as possible if you website or blog is new.
This is 6 reasons text link advertising can be good, or may not be for you.
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