Understanding Different Types of Web Hosting
Due to the rapid speed of success achieved by web hosting companies, web hosting services have become a trend in online business. A web hosting company hosts your website, whether personal or professional. It can also provide you with a host of benefits, and to add to it, your to-be employers might also appreciate seeing your details from your own website, rather than from any other place. Internet has emerged as a great medium for conducting business, and a website is a prerequisite for this purpose, which facilitates the need of a web hosting company. To make such things work, a webmaster must be aware of how important web hosting is.
There are several types of web hosting like shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, free hosting, paid hosting and clustered hosting. While choosing a web host for yourself, choose among these available ones but according to your needs and demands.
Three common kinds of web hosting are as follows:
Shared hosting
A shared host is a server which supports many web pages. A shared host is generally the best for a business where the expenses does not permit them to go for the dedicated web hosting services, and a shared hosting helps them save a lot of unnecessary expenses as well.
Various maintenance features are provided by the service provider of the shared hosting. These include security updates, server management, anti-virus backup and server software.
Web hosting is primarily done in two ways: the IP address based way and the name based way. In the IP address way, the host who has his own individual IP address provides each of the sites he hosts with their own SSL certificate, thereby endowing a sense of security to the websites. While for name based hosting, the various web sites hosted are provided with a single IP address which is to be used by all.
Using a shared host might come cheap, but it comes without the sense of security that is there in IP based hosting.
There are also several other disadvantages of the name based hosting system like its incompatibility with relatively old browsers. A HTTP/1.0 browser without up gradation will fail to send out requests carrying the host name. Also because they share same digital certificates, Hand name based hosts cannot support HTPPS websites either. And if the Domain Name System or the DNS conks out any website hosted by a name based web host becomes virtually impossible to access.
Despite the cost effectiveness of a shared web hosting system, some of its other problems are that of disk space, CPU and Bandwidth of your website being affected or slowed down because of other sites using the same server. Control over certain system level things like scripts and the system software being used is also beyond your control if you are on a shared hosting system. But if your website is relatively small you can comfortably make do without such features. If such things do bother you and you want some control over the things that power your website, you might want to know about Virtual Private Server or VPS.
Virtual Private Server
Much like a shared server, even a VPS has a single server, but it uses software which divided it into many virtual machines. So though many websites still use the same server, each VPS gets its own RAM allotment, besides bandwidth and disk space, and they can operate independently by using the resources allocated to them.
Due to the fact that webmasters are allowed more freedom than a shared host, they can perform various operations by running a different operating system and having their unique script and software, which wouldnt affect other websites using the same server.
The root level access to the main server that you get in a VPS is virtually similar to the freedoms associated with dedicated servers. Only in case of a VPS you can install software of your choice, create accounts etc all at a comparatively lesser price than a dedicated server.
Because of the internal division of a VPS system, the sense of security is much greater than a shared hosting service. In the latter, all sites are at a risk if the main server is hacked into, but that is not the case in a VPS system.
The server division normally occurs evenly; the websites getting an equal share of the total resources. So if a VPS server hosts a dozen of websites, then every item like RAM, disk space etc. will be shared equally among all the 12 websites.
Dedicated Web Hosting
Dedicated hosting facilities are meant for individuals and big businesses who are eager to take control of not only their websites but also the functioning process of the web host. A dedicated server offers people the benefit of doing that because as the name suggests, in this case a single website is hosted by a single server. The freedom ad control here is manifold, as the website owner has only to look into the web software related matters and can exercise his freedom as far as that is concerned. While other issues like security, power supervision and data maintenance etc are looked after by the hosting company.
The perfect solution for your website requirements of large bandwidth, greater resources like disk space, a high quality, customized server is choosing a dedicated host. A host of features for your website like settings, operating system, multi-media necessities, and software can then be chosen. Those who cannot afford to buy their own server but want similar services will find a dedicated hosting service ideal for their needs.
A dedicated server can also bail you out and save expenses up to 85%, if your website has a high traffic count but you do not have the monitory resources and technical know how to maintain, install and run your own IT staff, programs that will run everything smoothly and most of all if you cant pay for a network administrator.
Using a dedicated server also offers 100% assurance and security to you, because you know that you are the only one who is using this server. Apart from security concerns, not having other sites on the server also nullifies issues about downtime problems. Companies that need to have client databases and other important information up on their sites are bound to feel much safer using a managed dedicated host which provides the client with an extra layer of data security.
So while the costs of a shared host are less, they are never very secure and never so easily accessible as dedicated web hosts are. Using the latter might require you to shell out some extra expenses, but given that it gives you a very higher level of safety than a shared server makes the additional expenses worth incurring. For purposes of business growth, a dedicated server is a must!
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