The Qualities of the Best Web Hosting Service Providers
When browsing the internet for the best host to run your website you may have noticed there are hundreds of hosting options with many different hosting plans. So how would you pick the best one for you?
Obviously since you are reading this you have accomplished step 1 which is do all the research you can on different hosts, personal experiences with services, what the plans offer, can you find similar deals with regular up time anywhere else?
When approaching different hosts not always is the “top ranked host” always actually the best host out there. Usually the “top ranked hosts” are more likely to be hosts which have been around for much more time than the other hosts and have worked their way up the scale by either good service, or plenty of money advertising. But just good service and lots of money, doesn’t specifically make the best host.
Firsts we would like to address the Top 10 ranked host providers on the internet thus far. These host providers being; Fat Cow, Just Host, I power, immotion, ix web hosting, super green hosting, hostgator, pow web, start logic, and green geeks hosting.
Fat Cow – Fat Cow has been in the leading top 10 for a long time due to their low prices and constantly changing discount deals. Typically this would be criticism worthy being their discount deals are always stated as a new deal but hardly ever differs from the previous deal. But if you want a host which will offer you a discount price which is equal to a regular price with another “less known” host. This will probably be the host for you. Fat Cow does offer you benefit even some of the other top 10 picks wont, such as a free site builder, advertising credits, add-ons, free lifetime domain names, all with the purchase of a premium plan.
Just Host – Now here is a host which gives you lots of “eye catching” plan deals right on the front page to snag your business. At the equivalent to Fat Cows hosting price, ironically also a discounted price, you get pretty much unlimited everything, along with an anytime money back guarantee. Which if you think about it either they are opening themselves up for loss of profit which really shows they know you will not be disappointed in their service, or they have put a lot of “catches” into this policy so they protect their own investments. Just host offers unlimited space, transfer, domain hosting, and email accounts, mySQL databases, along with free site builders, instant setup, and much more.
Now if you know anything about hosts, you will know all of these qualities in which are offered will usually carry throughout all the top hosts, a competition of sorts to try to direct all of the customers to their service, because of this desperate demand to be number 1. Every once and a while you will run into one of these top hosts offering you a deal unlike anyone else which you just can’t refuse, my advice to you, don’t refuse it. You may never get that opportunity again.
Now onto some of the hosts which are not in the top 10. First thing you are probably thinking is, “if it’s not in the top 10 it’s not going to be good enough.” But really that’s not the case at all; just because you haven’t paid off a bunch of companies to top list you don’t make the service terrible. Some examples are meek host and hostrator.
Meek Host - This is a post to host service, yes that means free. Post to host services requires a specific amount of posts on a specific forum or website so many times a month, or over the amount of a year, to qualify to keep hosting. Hosts such as meek host will give you a full premium account in return for this posting favor. Meek host offers automatic add on installations, site builders, and even a lot of features which you cannot find in the “top 10 list” so whets the catch with meek host? Sometimes meek host can have a little bit of down time, not often but if you are running a fully fledged constant traffic site, where people are dependent on using it every day. Meek host won’t be the host for you.
Hostrator – This is your run of the mill free clone host, why am I calling it a free clone host? Because if you browse around other free hosts you will find some of these hosts are exactly the same. From layouts to applications to service providers and plans. It is all the same. Now this free service does in fact give you a premium service package for nothing, and offers great service and benefits, but, these clone sites are so glitchy is it even worth it?
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