Web Development in light of positively constructing a website
I have talked about the subject of web development in light of positively constructing a website. I've also talked about the mentality needed to envision the entire site prior to launch so you have some idea of where you want to go. fore visit to:- www.html-branders.com The goal also included the need for a plan for growth and site expansion.
This article looks at the subject from the point of view of a corporate office with a few satellite offices that support and expand the potential of the primary business.
In a brick and mortar store environment it is often true that a business will start in a singular location. As trust is built through longevity and commitment to quality and service the business grows. If the business does well the owner may decide to develop a second store in another city within the region of primary service and support. Other stores may be opened as a result of the ongoing success of the overall operation. The idea is multiple stores - one brand.
Web development may be the mirror image of the brick and mortar model. Why do I say mirror? Well, because in the case of an online environment an ecommerce business owner may be better served by starting with the secondary stores and building up to the primary online business portal.
If you're thinking, "That does seem backwards," allow me to explain.
These satellite stores should have direct links to your primary site. Each satellite may have its own emphasis, but will always relate to the thrust of your main business. The end goal remains the same, multiple stores - one brand.
Why develop more than one site?
In web development the idea of more than one site could mean improved site rankings for your primary site and additional opportunities to reach potential customers.
Think of it this way. for visit to:-www.killer-mini-site.com Each satellite website you develop can take on a distinct list of keywords or phrases. Each will be associated with your primary product. All content on the site will be geared toward the specific keyword or phrase.
If you have four supporting sites that can go online at the same time as your primary site you have five distinct opportunities to reach consumers with your message. Work to optimize each site for search engines and select unique and researched keywords or phrases for each site.
Is that the only benefit?
By developing your web presence this way you begin the process with backlinks already in place from the satellite sites to your primary web presence. As your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies begin yielding results they should do so in all five instances and ultimately this effort benefits your bottom line.
By having five separate sites that market the same product from a slightly different vantage point the potential improves for increased sales. This is true not just because there are more sites for consumers to view, but because search engines will connect with this scenario and provide improved rankings earlier.
Proper web development may include more than one site and more than one approach as the vehicle used to maximize the overall potential of the product or service being marketed.
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