Increase AdSense Earning Using Competitive Ad Filter Provided by Google
Using AdSense ad filter to block the low cost-per-click (CPC) AdSense ads of most of the relevant keywords of a website and let high CPC AdSense ads display more often to earn more AdSense revenue isn't a new idea actually. It has been mentioned years ago. Many webmasters and bloggers don't like to filter low CPC AdSense ads as it involves works and time to manually compile a list of low CPC AdSenses.
However, recently some bloggers have suggested using adsblacklist to automatically find a list of low CPC ads for you. AdSBlacklist is a free software and anyone can try it. I still don't have the time to test AdSBlacklist. So I don't know whether it works in increasing AdSense commission or not. But logically if AdSBlacklist can find a list of low CPC ads that are potentially displaying on your site or blog and you block these low CPC ads, then your AdSense income should increase.
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