Key Success Factors For Optimizing Your Website
According to most experts, the majority of website traffic is generated from just a handful of search engines. Since search traffic is so vital to the success of your business, it is important to earn a high search rank for the key terms that your target customers use in the search engines. How can you accomplish this task? While there are many websites out there competing for the attention of the same viewers, applying a few simple website optimization tips can dramatically increase your search rankings and site traffic.
“While a particular keyword may receive a large number of searches each month, it may not be the right choice for you. Instead of going after the most searched keywords, consider selecting keywords and phrases that are slightly less popular and feature far less competition.”
Optimize Your Website With Keyword Research
Initial research is a key success factor that you simply should not overlook. In order to target the right words and phrases, develop the appropriate website content and truly understand what your customers are looking for on the web, you need to spend some time researching search terms and consumer trends.
There are plenty of great keyword research tools out there, but the real key to success is knowing how to use them. After entering a potential keyword, take a critical look at the suggestions. Make a list of the potential keywords that seem to be the most promising.
Next, perform a little keyword competition analysis. While a particular keyword may receive a large number of searches each month, it may not be the right choice for you. Instead of going after the most searched keywords, consider selecting keywords and phrases that are slightly less popular and feature far less competition. While there may be fewer people searching for these terms and phrases, you will be more likely to rank high and achieve better traffic results.
Remember That Content Development Is An Essential Key To Success
After you have chosen some keywords and keyword phrases, the next step is to develop website content around those particular search terms. Whether you choose to create your own content or outsource it to a professional writer, always remember to optimize your copy for the web.
Include your key phrase within the first three sentences and keep paragraphs relatively brief. Utilize subheads and bulleted lists to make content more readable and be sure to use your key phrase between five to seven times throughout the page text.
Successful content development involves more than simply creating articles devoted to a specific keyword or phrase. It is also important to create links between related articles on your website. Rather than write just one article on a particular topic, develop a whole collection of related articles that can be cross-linked to maximize search results and website traffic.
Most importantly, only focus on one keyword per page. Trying to optimize for multiple search terms on a single page can hamper your results.
Always Optimize Every Page For Search
Upon developing the content, it is time to publish and optimize your web pages. While it may be tempting to simply cut-and-paste your copy onto the site, making a few simple tweaks can significantly improve your results. A few of the key success factors that can make all the difference are to optimize your title tag, META data, subheads and links.
Start by creating a title tag that incorporates your keyword, but is also appealing to online readers. Next, write a META description that mentions your keyword in the first 60 characters and include your target keywords in the META tag section. Finally, be sure to include your chosen keyword or phrase into the subtitles and anchor text of on-page and off-page links.
While optimizing your website may require some additional time and energy, the potential benefits are well worth the effort. In addition to improving your search ranking and attracting more traffic, website optimization can dramatically improve your business branding and online sales. Start implementing some of these key success factors today in order to make the most of website optimization.
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