Article Marketing: -Writing an Article Requires Proper Planning and Research
Article marketing when done correctly can be highly profitable. All online businesses need two elements to be successful. They are profits and customers. Effective article marketing can piece the two together. This explains why article marketing is such a powerful marketing technique.
The power of article marketing lies in building credibility and reselling to your readers who are also your potential customers. Attracting readers to your articles is as important as writing one in order for article marketing to work. We will look at some critical elements or ingredients that go into effective article writing and article promotion.
1. Content Research
Writing an article requires proper planning and research. Some authors simply rattle off their thoughts and create tons of incoherent content which only Martians would understand. Readers cannot understand the article, let alone be pre-sold.
Effective article marketing means that you got to write a topic narrowed down to your target niche. Places like forums and blogs are places where you can observe the people. Read those posts and you probably would find out more about what these folks are searching for. Uncover the problems they face and compile them. Write your articles to address the problem and you would have faithful readers. Remember credibility is important. Your readers are happy that they found answers and they are now more ready to be pre-sold.
2. Article Title
Article title plays a pivotal role in article marketing. Your visitors are likely to come from the search engines or the article directories. The first contact they have with you is your article title. Even if your article enjoys search engine love and ranks high for your keyword, if your title stinks, for more details visit to no one would read it. It is thus important to create interesting articles that would pull readers like a magnet.
Article titles with words like ‘review’, ‘guide’, ‘tips’ or ‘hot tips’ and ‘how to’ be excellent attention-grabbers. Add a little bit of creativity to create suspense and curiosity. Suggest the benefits they would have if they read your articles. For example, ‘Article Marketing Hot Tips for Instant Profits’.
3. Article Content
Article marketing’s objective is to resell and build a relationship with your readers but you do not want to hurry the process. I have seen too many sales pitch style of writing. This is the surest way to drive traffic not to your website but away. Give your readers good and honest informational content that would help them and be consistent in the quality of your articles. Article marketing is a long-term strategy and would prove to be your most powerful traffic-building technique.
4. Article Promotion through Resource Box
Article marketing allows for direct promotion of products or services in the resource box. The resource box is where you introduce yourself as the author and your website. A lot of people do not know if they should promote their products in the article body or resource box. Most article directories restrict the number of links and for more details visit to most do not allow links in the article body. Since you are not doing your sales pitch in your article body, do so in the resource box which is permitted by almost all article directories. Do not post more than 2 links.
Remember one more tip, that is, to promote a relevant product.
5. Article Distribution
This is the final step of article marketing – article distribution which is also the most critical one. You need to gain maximum exposure for your articles by distributing to as many free article directories as possible. However, manual article submission can be a real pain. You can be spending the whole day starting from morning to sunset to submit to 100 over article directories. Alternatively, you can always invest in article submission tools that automate the whole dreadful task for you.
Article marketing can be a huge traffic dynamo that would boost your website traffic and sales to incredible levels. Discover at my blog how many article marketers like me are making great income using article marketing.
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