How To Launch A Marketing Virus
One of the most important things that you can do to boost your online income quickly is to launch your own marketing virus. Now, I'm not referring to something bad that damages someone else's computer. Rather, it's an intentional virus designed to improve brand awareness, build traffic, and generate more sales. Viral marketing is similar in some ways to word-of-mouth marketing, but much more powerful.
Interestingly enough, it's very simple to do. Simply create an ebook, and then allow other people to give it away themselves. You must also allow those who receive it from them to give it away too. In fact, let anyone who ever comes into contact with your ebook begin giving it away to their customers and subscribers. They could also post a download link on their website, in forums, etc.
In a nutshell, that's how a marketing virus works. You give it away to as many people as possible, and other people do the same. This keeps on going until before you know it, your ebook is on thousands of people's PC's that you never came in contact with before! As people read your ebook, and click your website links, your traffic skyrockets.
All you need to do is include a note inside the ebook that informs the reader that they have the right to begin giving it away, as long as they don't alter the ebook or claim ownership. They can also offer it as a bonus for a product they sell, as an incentive to get folks to join their newsletter list, as a method of generating affiliate sales, etc.
If the ebook promotes your products, then you may want to let them encode the ebook with their affiliate link. This gives them an additional reason for distributing the ebook -- they earn a commission on sales generated through their efforts. This is a big incentive for most people, and they will be more than happy to spend time and effort promoting your ebook.
There are a variety of tools you can find online that allow you to make brandable versions of your ebook, so other people can brand it with their info, including their affiliate link. One very affordable solution is Viral PDF found at It's also very easy to use, so be sure to look it over before spending money on something else.
In summary, viral marketing is extremely effective, and not difficult to implement. If you aren't happy with your current traffic and sales, then I strongly suggest you give viral marketing a try right away. You have absolutley nothing to lose, but a whole lot to gain!
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