Affiliate Millions - How To Get a List of Red Hot Prospects
The main purpose of any online business is obviously to generate money, but in terms of affiliate marketing and being able to get as much money as possible, you’re really only going to get a certain amount if you don’t have a list.
Let’s just say here we’ve got this graph here. This is the amount of money you’ve got and you’re just going to go along like this at a certain level until you actually get a mailing list.
Now when you get a mailing list or a list of red-hot prospects and you start emailing them on a regular basis and building up that relationship, you’ll start to see this happen. Your earnings will just go up and up. They’ll increase infinitely, as long as you keep growing that list.
So the question is how do you actually get a list of red-hot prospects? There’s really just a couple things that you need, maybe three things at a push.
1. The first thing that you need is the bait or the hook that’s going to pull people in to get them onto your list. I also refer to this as the money magnet. We’ve spoken about that on a previous video, this idea of giving people a report, giving them an audio, or giving them a video, something like that – a money magnet that’s going to get them to actually want to join your list in the first place. That’s the first thing you need.
2. The second thing you need is the tool, the actual software that enables you to add people to your mailing list. When you’ve seen these websites that say ‘Put in your name and email address,’ what is that? How does that actually work?
That’s what I’m going to show you on this video and how you can get set up really really quickly. You need the right software that enables you to actually add people to a list and then email to them on a regular basis.
3. The third thing that you’re going to need is obviously the content. What are you going to be mailing out to these people in the emails? You’ve got to obviously think about that, think about the words you’re actually going to be sending them, to be doing all the things that you need to be doing as an affiliate marketer.
You’ve obviously got to educate them on the product that you’re doing, you’ve got to enthuse them about the product that you’re recommending, and also you’ve really got to encourage them to actually go off and buy it.
These are three of the main things you want to be doing in all your marketing as an affiliate, and having a list of red-hot prospects is the best way to do all these three things.
Now the best way, as I’ve said, to do that is to get your own list and use a piece of software. This type of software is called an autoresponder. You’ve maybe heard of this word already. If you haven’t, let me just explain what it means.
An autoresponder – as the word suggests – means that when somebody joins your mailing list, they see these couple of boxes here that say ‘name and email,’ the autoresponder will then send those people emails. It can send them an email instantly.
You can set it up so that it sends them another email a week later automatically, or an email once a week. The beauty of it is that you only do this one time. You only have to write the email one time. You put it into this tool, the autoresponder tool, and that tool will send these emails out to every new person on your list automatically without you having to do anything. You don’t even need to be near a computer.
So that in essence is one of the main things that an autoresponder does, is it automatically sends people the emails that you’ve written once, and it sends them many times to separate people.
The other thing that an autoresponder does is it’s like a big bucket or big pile like this, and into this bucket goes all your prospects, all the people that come onto your list, and they’re in this bucket.
The autoresponder – I’ll just put an AR on there so you know this bucket is the autoresponder, the software, the tool, remember I said you need this tool – all the prospects go in here and then you can actually go in and look inside this bucket and see who’s in there.
You can obviously just write a single email, write an email one time, drop it into this bucket using this tool, and everybody in here – doesn’t matter if you’ve got 100 or 100,000 – everybody gets that email.
That’s the power of it. It stores all the information about all the prospects that are on your list. You can do searches and say, “Ok, tell me all the people who joined
in the last month, or tell me all the people that put in this bit of information when they joined.”
So that’s what an autoresponder does.
The practical way of doing this – this is one of my sites over on – and you can see this is the opt-in form that I’ve got. So when people put in their name and email address here and ‘Unlock the traffic secret,’ they are given some of my money magnets.
They’re given free videos, they’re given free audios, they’re given a free ebook on how to get traffic into their website.
And this form here is provided to me by the autoresponder tool that I use. The autoresponder tool that I use is over at This is their website. As you can see, you’re getting a whole bunch of things with this company.
It says they’re obviously going to increase your revenues, because you convert your subscribers into paying customers. You’re going to build your mailing list. I’ve explained all that. You can deliver your newsletters. You can track your results. You can actually see how many people are opening the emails, how many people are clicking on various things, and you can use it to build traffic. These are all great ways.
There are lots of autoresponder services out there. This is my personal favorite. I’ve been using this for well over – I can’t even remember – years and years and years. Ever since I’ve been online I’ve been using this as an autoresponder and it’s great. I totally love it. I wouldn’t be recommending it to you otherwise.
There is a free version, but the problem with free versions, don’t get the free version, because the free version has ads in there, and also you can’t tell it where you want to send people. After people opt in, you need to send them to a certain page on your website, whereas if you get this free version it’s actually going to send them to, it’s going to send them to their site, so don’t get the free version. It’s really not worth it. You’ve got to invest and get this.
This is probably THE most important tool that you’re ever going to invest in as an affiliate marketer. It’s all about the money, and remember that graph I showed you – if you don’t have a list, you’re just going to be down here.
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