Link Baiting Is An Awesome Internet Marketing Strategy
Having internet real estate is very exciting and can be an incredible way to create income. Using high leverage internet marketing, and person can make an awesome living while never leaving the comfort of their own bedroom. As the internet becomes more and more competitive, it becomes harder to get traffic. Unique ideas become harder to come by as the web grows.
An extremely effective technique that is used by effective internet marketers is the art of link baiting. Link bait is content that was created with intention of being linked to. The best link bait is linked to thousands and even tens of thousands of times.
Creating link bait really isn't that difficult, it takes a good idea and some good work. There are a few simple techniques that can be used for awesome link bait, and to better help teach the art of link baiting I'm going to cover a few of them for you.
Creating free software and tools is a very effective link baiting technique that the pros have used now for quite some time. In every industry there are tools that people need to use. In the mortgage industry people use mortgage calculators. In the internet marketing industry people use keyword tools and SEO tools. Building tools and letting people use them for free can create a massive amount of links.
Creating list posts is also an exceptionally good technique for link baiting. People love list posts and love to link to them. Some of the best list posts are posts that link back to really good bloggers and professional blogs. People have big egos and will often link back to anything that contains their name. Baiting a big time blogger can result in thousands or tens of thousands of links.
Attacking a big player in your industry will also often prove to be exceptional link bait, especially if you can bait them into responding. Most people like to defend themselves, so many times you can bait a person into linking to your post by attacking them. Some may call it shady, I say it's fine as long as you raise a legitimate question.
Hopefully this helps you to learn the art of link baiting. If you learn this art well, you will have much success on the internet. It's likely that learning to link bait is the most effective strategy that can be used for organic link building out there. Some of the best sites on the net are also some of the best at baiting. That shouldn't surprise anyone at all.
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