Shared Web Hosting Is The Economical Choice For A New Web-based Business
Starting a new web-based business involves a thousand-and-one tasks and details, many of them having nothing to do with whatever product or service you’re passionate about to make and sell online. You’re going to learn to be your own accountant, record keeper, publicist, marketer, customer service rep, production manager, logistics manager, and more. One skill and expense you may want to consider offloading to someone else would be hosting your website and administrating the servers that run your site. Building and maintaining your website will likely be enough of an ongoing challenge; you should probably look in to a shared web hosting solution to save money and administrative headaches.
A shared web hosting solution is one of many ways for a web site to be hosted, but for a solo web site or for a small business starting up it’s probably the easiest and most economical way to host your site. Every web site on the Internet needs to be ‘hosted’ on a computer server that is configured to provide a website when asked for it. The Internet exists to get the requests for the site to the right computer, and then return the results to the person who asked for it. Very broadly, web hosting breaks down into a few different options.
At the most extreme and expensive, a company will have its own web server or servers, and will employ someone to oversee or administrate it for them. Another solution that is slightly less expensive would be to contract a company who specializes in web hosting to dedicate one or more servers to the company’s website or websites, and administrate them on their behalf. Much more economical is shared web hosting, which means a company offers to host your site for you, but your web site or sites share a server with other companies renting space on your server as well.
shared web hosting is generally the least expensive of contract web hosting. Free hosting is available, but the limitations on how many or how large the site can be, and the limits on how many people can visit the site are generally prohibitive for a serious web business. As well, free web hosting doesn’t generally allow for a specific domain name for your web site, while shared hosting does. A shared web server will allow you one or more registered domain names, usually dedicated IP addresses, and the confidence that the administration tasks for maintaining the server are taken care of.
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