Protecting Our Future, Going Green? - A Hostgator Review
Many businesses have been becoming more and more environmentally conscious, sometimes at government urgings or their own initiatives. A magnitude of people are beginning to take pro-active steps to ensure that they are helping out the environment such as recycling, renewing and reducing things. For some companies it can be difficult especially ones that are web based, however one particular site has found a way. How are they Going Green? A Hostgator Review to show you how it is done.
With more than two million domains hosted, HostGator is one of the internet's leading web hosting companies. Courteous staff that work around the clock each and every single day including holidays, are there to monitor everything to ensure that you have access all the time, as well as to ensure live support. Whether you wish to contact them over the telephone, via email tickets or live chat remains your choice. As well as back up generators in case of power outages you will never be without their service.
All those domains running around the clock, not to mention staff support and each and every server that is needed to host everything. You would think that would be a massive amount of power needed to support all that, and you would be correct in that deduction.
By exchanging their original servers with ones that are thirty six percent more adept at power saving capabilities, thus aiding in the battle for climate changing resolutions. Pushing it even further, they blazed another trail and created one hundred and thirty percent wind powered servers. Using a force of nature in such a manner created a great significance on the world.
As one of the major hosting sites, they have set the bar high when they purchased REC or Renewable Energy Credits. It illustrates the one hundred and thirty percent of the power that their servers would require to run their servers. Using a substitute means to keep it locally because they did not have the means to build a wind farm in the center of Houston, so they purchased wind credits in Texas.
You may think that it does not have a large impact on the planet, but it would be the equivalent of protecting five hundred and fifty one acres of forest, or supplying three hundred and twenty one homes with energy. Or alternatively Preserving five thousand six hundred and fifty four barrels of oil, or removing four hundred and forty four cars from the road for a year.
Globally thinking an environmentally friendly individual would like nothing more to reduce carbon emissions, however sometimes that lofty goal cannot be achieved. So they need to think more locally and devise a way that they can contribute as well. By using HostGator, anyone could help them locally, although if you are in another part of the world, I guess that you could say that you are assisting on a global level.
For less than eight dollars a month, you can help them create a greener world for everyone. Little ripples in a pool of water can potentially become huge waves. Remember that and when turning your computer off at night, you will stop wasting electricity when it is in its hibernation mode.
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