Advice In Search For Dedicated Server Hosting
The level of service provided by your current hosting company does not fulfill your desires and needs, and you are searching for a better option? Then searching for a good hosting company is the only solution.
Look for such a company, which provides dedicated server hosting, giving your business energy, and such, that you can trust. Their dedicated hosting must be performance based and has set prime standards in the hosting field.
Fine hosting services include hosted Microsoft exchange, hosted SharePoint services, live communication server and then some. It is the one stop shop for all your dedicated server hosting requirements and make sure that you get the most suitable hosting services for your business needs in an affordable manner.
The main highlight of a good hosting service is that it works in a highly secured and redundant hosting network. This hosting network must be capable enough of handling hundreds of thousands of web sites and millions of e-mails during the day.
The network must be fully multilayered with load-balanced front end servers, aggregated back-end servers and fibre channel storage network. This finally assures that your hosting applications are fully optimized and operate non-stop.
Look for full management service, involving patching and backup up to application level.
In addition, quality hosting services offers to shift your web servers in their data centre with adaptable internet network capacity and power. This generally gives you remote power in reboot facilities with the aid of a secure web browser.
Dedicated server hosting is divided into three different types: standard Windows dedicated server hosting with 200GB space; professional Windows dedicated server hosting with 200GB space, and premium Windows dedicated server hosting with 200GB space.
All these three types of dedicated server hosting are made in such a way that the customer can pick one depending upon business needs and requirements.
Dedicated server hosting is furnished with features such as: 100GB web space; unlimited bandwidth traffic; hi spec server with Pentium 4 2Ghz with 512MB ram; 2 static IP addresses; enterprise level fire walling; anti-spam filtering; anti-virus filtering.
All these features are combined with benefits such as: considerable reduction in your IT maintenance and support costs; significant increase in the performance and availability of your web site application; a reduction in your business traveling costs; increase in sales by using Microsoft shared hosting platform together with their Internet marketing services; reduce your business risks by outsourcing your IT service infrastructure to them; they are experts at running 24x7 systems and will help increase your reliability and scalability.
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