Reseller hosting and VPS hosting- review
There are different types of web hosting services available in the market but many people fail to recognize that and end up in to big confusion. With various options like dedicated hosting, shared hosting, reseller hosting, video hosting and VPS hosting it is normal for you to get puzzled. We are now going to talk about the most popular and cheap web hosting services and their reviews. Previously, people used to opt for shared hosting for cheaper rate. Because dedicated hosting is costly and the small business owners do not want to take the risk initially and that is why shared hosting was the best option available for them. But then, reseller hosting came to the market.
When one account owner allows somebody else to access the space for their website, then it is known as reseller hosting. You are the second level user here and accessing someone else’s space and paying them for that. Obviously, the price becomes cheaper. This is reselling of the server. You can access the control panel and manage the database. Not only that, you will get the bandwidth reserved for that user. This is just like shared server but buying from an existing user. One can resell the services he or she is getting. Or else he can resell the part of the server he is using. In both the cases he will have access to that place as well as the new buyer of that space.
In recent days, VPS has become quite a craze among all. Most of the businesses need more resources to use on shared hosting and that is why VPS hosting has come up. VPS stands for Virtual private Server. In case of shared hosting the server can host thousands of sites and that is why there can sometimes be a crunch of resources. Everyone wants to have the maximum resource, hence downtime is inevitable. Many users get frustrated with this poor performance and the traffic gets down too. VPS came in the market with a handful of solution to all these troubles of shared hosting. You may wonder why VPS and why not dedicated hosting. Well, the cost is really very high and unaffordable for the small businessmen. If in case, the product fails to reach the mass the cost can be over killing too.
In a VPS server you can actually get the benefit of both shared server and dedicated server bit in a cheaper rate. Direct admin, cPanel are some of the reputable companies that offer you reliable VPS service. If you want something cheaper then you can opt for unmanaged or un-metered hosting. Otherwise you can opt for managed or metered hosting. The configuration and settings can be changes according to the user’s convenience. On VPS server all the system works on their private and individual server where nobody fights with another for resources. There is always a team of expert who work for VPS services, hence you can stay tension free and work smoothly. The downtime problem will not bother you also and less downtime means more traffic. Many people are switching from shared server to VPS service for all these benefits. You too can try and enjoy the features in a cheaper rate.
Thanks nice info about reseller hosting
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