Article Rewriting and The Reason It Is So Important to Your Online Business
You already realize that you must develop backlinks to your website so as to improve your search engine ranking. The more external sites you have linking to your website, the more influential your site appears in the eyes of the search engines. As a consequence, the better your website will be placed in the search engine results.
Trading links is one scheme to increase backlinks. But, trading links has a drawback because two sites link to each other. This often informs the search engines that an unnatural association between the sites is present. Even three way links frequently tell the search engines that something irregular is occurring. As a result of these non-natural associations, your search engine ranking can decline.
One familiar procedure that overcomes these artificial relationships is article marketing.
By means of article marketing, you compose articles and offer them to a variety of article directories. There they are indexed by the search engines and the links in your article that point to your website help increase the importance of your website.
An article with great information will be used by marketers on their websites or in newsletters. If they place your information on their site, your links on their site enhance your apparent authority. If other people distribute your information in their newsletter, readers could follow your links to your website where you could make a commission from product sales or from pay per click ads.
The major weakness in distributing the identical article to numerous article directories is duplicate content. When a search engine sees numerous sites with identical content, they will reduce the importance of the information (and your links). This downgrades the effectiveness of your article marketing labors.
The key is to rephrase your article for each article directory. This presents unique content for every article directory. And, when other people find your article on a directory and publish your article on their website, the number of identical articles is as small as possible.
It will take a long time to change your article for each directory. Particularly if your rewrite by hand. So, automated articles rewriters have been developed. They automatically grab words in your article and substitute synonyms. The result too often consists of text that look as if it were written by a ape. Words with improper meanings are used and sentence structure looks odd.
More recent article spinners allow you to take an active part in rewriting your article. These article rewriters frequently allow you to do the following:
- Write a number of substitute sentences to use for any sentence in the article.
- Compose a number of equivalent phrases to use for any phrase in the article
- Choose a few appropriate synonyms to alternatively replace any word in the article
Most new article rewriters make available a synonym popup for you when you decide on a word in the article to find similar words for. This greatly improves the process.
The article spinner can then spin off an article that at random selects from all the alternative sentences, phrases, and words you have developed.
So, by taking 20 or 30 minutes for an normal article you can construct or “spin” hundreds of articles with almost no duplicate text. You then submit a copy of your distinctive articles to a different article directory.
There are several groupings of products that both spin articles and distribute a unique article to each of many article directories. This combination of article spinner and article submission products is especially effective.
The result of spinning articles and submitting to article directories is loads of accepted backlinks to your site. This helps build your search engine ranking, and puts your site at the top of the search engine results.
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