Site Flipping - Investments That Pay Dividends
Obviously, you know what they are looking for based on the keyword they are typing: Cell Phones and cell phone information. And listen up bucko, those visitors will type in day in and day out, whether you advertise the site or not, just so long as you pay the $10/year registration fee.
It's amazing that even with a shite page, you get traffic. If you blast them with banners and pop ups, you still get traffic. If your navigation is poor, well they just keep on coming. If you market a high price bracket product, nothings stopping them. It doesn't matter even if your site selection is not high quality they will keep on coming because of the power of your domain name. It goes without saying that I under no circumstances recommend this style of site content.
Direct Navigation occurs when somebody types in the dot com site directly into the search box and this type in traffic accounts for half of all internet traffic. Obviously most people are typing in the search engine names like Google, but even so 20% are not. Earlier on in the year I was at a seminar in Las Vegas and we dealt we the influence of user habits on traffic and I really learned just how important this new found knowledge was going to make me a whole load of money.
More facts - 1) Address bar searches account for 31% of total searches. 2) The search bar accounts for 28% of the total of address lookups. Domainers actually earn quite a lot of their income due to the alarming fact that most people just don't know how to use the internet. So I suppose this would be why "" topped the list of searched terms.
So let's have a look at just how much is really worth in visitors. It's a lot and at 125,000 visitors a month they would need stringing up if they were unable to capitalize on their domain name power. Just on click revenues It could be making about $25.000 a month through type-in traffic only. If you put into place a proper affiliate program which will involve advertising costs and you paid a dollar for a keyword like "cell phones", you could still expect a six figure profit margin every month.
If you added to the power of this domain name to a high street business that sells cell phones, then you would probably be able to increase sales up to 3 million dollars per month. What power domain names can have on a business like which is worth a seven figure number. We can now see how important it is for domain names to be part of a perfectly structured business plan. Investment-grade keyword domains are responsible for this e-commerce powerhouse that can pay great dividends, gives you a monthly income and right up until you decide on selling your web site.
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