Some Knowledge on Adsense Click Through Rate Here.
We’ve already discussed the dos and don’ts of Adsense usage, so let’s not talk about rules anymore. Let’s dive straight into some helpful techniques that will make you more actual money.
What I want to focus on is payment per click. This is different than cost per click or adsense click through rate (what your costs are for each click) and pay per click (what you actually pay per click). Payment per click is how much each click pays you.
Once you get a visitor to your site and he or she clicks on one of your ads, you want to make sure that the ad they click on will pay you a decent amount of money. Clicks can pay you anything from a penny to a couple dollars per click and you want to make sure that
the clicks pay you enough to make the time and effort worth it. If each click pays you only three cents, hundreds of clicks won’t do you any good. However, if just a dozen people click on your ad that pays you $3 a day, then your revenue will quickly add up. Sounds easy huh? But like most things in life, it's not as easy as you think.
One of the problems with determining the payment per click is that
Google is very secretive about how much each click pays out.
The website has been set up to give you the value of hundreds of thousands of phrases and keywords. It has been created with Google Adsense in mind and uses very complicated algorithms and processes in order to obtain the results. Hundreds of very successful Adsense users have used it in order to increase their Adsense revenue. If you are not a member yet, then please stop by to visit!
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