Know Your Site Builder Affiliate Program
Know in your mind to that the most important task you can first do to make your online business experience positive is to know your product before you start a business. Virtually every successful partner in any site builder affiliate program knows their product inside out. The affiliate partner program is useless even if the business support is excellent without excellent products.
Amazingly many fast buck money making affiliate individuals, including myself at one time, join a program because they get revved up by the sales pitch. A very high percentage of these result in many drop outs for the discouraged affiliates who make little or no money at all in them. A small percentage of webmasters with big mailing list groups make good money for a short time until the fire of the empty shell product fizzles out.
There are ways to increase your chances of being an affiliate making money versus an affiliate losing money. One is by having a top notch affiliate hosting program by your partner who is a free builder of web sites for you. Some of these partners are good at building a web site of a very few pages for you and most are not.
Here are some expensive lessons I have learned over the years that will massively increase your odds of success. See how many of these will eliminate almost all affiliate programs out there and save you time and money.
The training of the master affiliate company should give you the potential to be so good that you will not need the help of your sponsor into it in the first place. This would enable you to learn your product well and be satisfied with the quality of it. You know you have a product worth buying.
You want a company that gives you a second tier of income to earn on. Others who do well through the affiliate hosting company will multiply your efforts a level down. If the company goes down too many levels with the pay plan they have to goose up the product price and that cuts its sales way down. Good bye profits.
Most free builder type host affiliate companies have no second tier in their program because their product is not good enough to be priced higher. You have to know your site builder affiliate program is very good to make a buck. There are sure signs of this you can judge by.
They will make claims of being quality programmers, marketers and web masters. They can demonstrate their excellence. If not, say bye, bye and move on to another program. Their web site will be more than one or two pages. They will of been in business for more than a couple years. Preferably five or even ten years.
They will have testimonials by the truck load from marketers who started with very low web marketing skills. Experienced marketers could sell snow cones to Eskimos in Arctic weather. They can make any awful program work! Please understand this very important point!
You want and need someone who has the capability of hand holding you through the learning process. Someone who has dramatic, professional and even funny videos to apply to many business cases. Quality referral web sites are a must. If these are not available save yourself the future grief and move on.
You want warm enthusiastic people to work with who will pull you to success. No one can do it all for you. That is a big lie we have all seen over the years in many business fields.
A very few companies do have the goods to show you the way. Please note I said a very few companies. If you stick with them and learn their techniques you have your best shot to make it.
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